What's On
As well as Mass and the sacraments, there are a host of regular events taking place in the church and surrounding community.
Children's Liturgy takes place during every Sunday Mass.
Tea and coffee is served after Sunday and Thursday morning Masses.
There is a Church Repository open every Sunday after Mass.
The Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP) group meet on alternate Wednesdays at 7pm.
The Mixed Ability Club (MAC), a fun and active community for people with varying physical and mental capabilities, takes place each Sunday from 7pm-8:30pm at St Patrick's College, Thornaby.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), which is also called ‘A Journey in Faith’, meet fortnightly, on Wednesdays at 6.30pm.
Our Mothers and Toddlers Group meet each Thursday from 1pm-2.30pm in the church hall.
The Bereavement Group meet in the church hall at 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month, and also assist with tea and coffee after Thursday morning Mass.
The Medjugorje Prayer Group meet on the last Thursday of the month, in the church hall from 7pm - 8.30pm, with the exception of August and December.
The Carmelite Spirituality Group meets on the last Saturday of each month, after morning Mass.
There is a parish Social Committee which meets on Tuesdays as needed.
The parish contributes to two food banks each month. One is for the needs of local refugees and the other (ran by the neighbouring Baptist Church on Thursdays) is contributed to at the end of each month. The collection boxes for each are in the foyer of the church.
There is an information board outside the church, and up to date new can be found on our weekly newsletter.
For more information about any of our events, or contact details for any of our groups, please contact Kathy Flynn on 01642 956673 or at kflynn6@yahoo.co.uk, or visit our contact page.