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Christmas Hampers


It is that time of the year again when your help is required! We love the help from the churches and the schools working together preparing hampers and presents for local families in the Thornaby area especially with the challenging times being seen. We ourselves have seen change with the closing of Teesside site, however after discussion, the team decided to continue with such a worthwhile cause.

How you can help us at this late stage?

v Monetary Donations, we can make this easy and shop on your behalf. If you would like to make a donation, please send to:

Christmas Hamper Fundraising


Account 53294919

Add your name in the reference field

Or pass to Liz Maw, Mary Goodwin, Fr Pat

Christmas hampers – we need as much food as you can provide. Think of the nice things that you would like at Christmas, sweets, chocolate, crisps, Christmas puddings etc. When you go shopping, please can you purchase a couple of items to support and drop into church

Presents – Mams and dads gifts, children of any age group from baby up over. Please can you provide new. We are happy to do all the wrapping for you

All items can be left in the hall at Christ The King church and the back of church St Patrick’s before Tuesday 7th December when volunteers start checking for gaps. Thank you for your continued support


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